Faith at Home: Growing Christians

How are you feeling about entering this season of Advent leading into Christmas? Will this be the year you are finally able to slow down and enjoy this season of preparation? While we preachers remind you each year that Advent is supposed to be a season of stillness, the reality is that December schedules are anything but calm and quiet. Even if you've finished your Christmas shopping, there are still all the end of year recitals, class parties and pageants that keep your lives frenzied.

Advent calendars (even the chocolate variety) are one way to focus on the "reason for the season." There are two calendars available at Church. They can also be downloaded on the church website at

Setting Aside Sundays

Setting aside Sundays to gather with your community can bring great joy into the whole rest of your week. Each Sunday in Advent provides another opportunity to build relationship with the Holy One and with your children.

December 2: AdventFest! Build a wreath to take home. Shop for Gifts for Life, gifts that have lasting impacts on others. (You can shop each week in December.)

December 9: St. Nicholas Sunday. St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, will join us for Worship! Bring a toy or pajamas, unwrapped for a child in need.

December 16:  Caroling & Dinner Church: At 4 p.m., join a caroling caravan to sing for those who cannot come to church. Return to the church to make pizzas and pray! Dinner Church starts at 6 p.m.

December 23: A Mary Celebration! Jesus' mother was a heroine in her own right. Come sing Mary Christmas Carols.

December 24:  Christmas Eve: 4 p.m. Christmas Eve Pageant with Folk and Choir.
8 p.m. Christmas Eve by candlelight and carols.

December 30: 1st Sunday of Christmas features Carols and an Offering of your New Year's Intentions.