The Miracle of Change

In her book β€œThe Challenge to Grow”, Marianne Williamson writes:  β€œIt is time to die to who we used to be and to become instead who we are capable of being.  That is the gift that awaits us now: the chance to become who we really are. And that is the miracle of change.”

Dear God,
If  left to my own devices,
my perceptions will be skewed.
I surrender to You everything I think and feel.
Please take my past, and plan my future.
Send Your Spirit to redeem my mind,
that I might be set free.

May I be Your vessel
and serve the world.
May I become who You would have me be,
that I might do what You would have me do.
And I will, dear God.   Amen

Healing Prayer Team Available

Members of the prayer team are available on Sundays in the back of the church during Holy Communion for individual prayer. They can also be called upon for your prayer needs during the week. They engage in daily prayer for all those on our prayer list and engage in twice-monthly bible study and prayer as a group. They are under the direction of Pastor Linda. This group is a blessing to our church and community. Thank you to them and thank you to those who call upon them.

Debbie Avilez, Chair: 831-484-2955
Yvonne Crane: 831-345-1010
Saundra Dodson: 831-484-9118
Ann Donaldson: 208-446-6145
Marcia Olsen: 831-595-1954
Mary Roberts: 831-262-8686