“Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”         Philippians 4:6-7

Labyrinth Prayer quiets the mind and spirit so that you can listen more easily and relate more deeply with God. Walking most labyrinths takes between 15 and 30 minutes.

General Walk

  1. Before you begin, decide the focus of your prayer time.

  2. Stand still at the entrance and invite God to walk with you.

  3. Move on the path as you pray. There is only one path that leads to the center. Go at any pace (fast or slow) that seems normal. Notice what is happening around you and make it part of your prayer. If you get turned around, you will either end up in the center or at the entrance/exit, continue your prayer from there.

  4. When you get to the center, rest in Christ’s loving presence. Reflect on what has happened so far on your prayer walk. You may choose to be aware of what you are sensing.

  5. When you are ready, take the same pathway back out. You may wish to continue the prayer that has started or pray about how to integrate what God has been showing you into your life and the service of others.

  6. When you reach the threshold, thank God for whatever you have experienced during your prayer.

  7. After you step outside of the labyrinth, reflect on what happened. Write down your thoughts and feelings, or creatively express them in another way (drawing, etc.).


Thy Will Be Done Intercessory Walk

  • On the way to the center pray for the needs of others. In the center, rest with God. On the way out, pray for your own needs.

  • As you walk, repeat the biblical prayer: “Thy will be done…” (Matthew 16:10)

  • Begin with, “God, what is my next step?” and pray with the question as you move on the labyrinth.


Walking with Jesus

Step One: At the threshold, imagine that Christ is standing right next to you. Notice how it feels to be with Jesus. Use your imagination to “picture” God right next to you. Notice if you imagine any sounds, smells or other sensations.

Step Two: Begin walking the path. As you move, talk to Jesus. Tell Christ everything that comes to mind and heart.

Step Three: In the center of the labyrinth, imagine sitting down with Christ. Listen to what God wants to say to you. Accept Christ’s loving input. Rest together in the center.

Step Four: Walk from the center to the threshold, sharing the path once again with Christ. Share back and forth. Let there be silence between you if that comes.

Step Five: At the threshold, ask for anything more that you need as you prepare to move back into your life outside the labyrinth. Thank Christ for the time that you have spent together. Express your gratitude freely. As you leave, know that you can continue the conversation. You can walk and talk with Christ on the labyrinth and everywhere else as well!

Step Six: Take time to write, draw or express the nature and meaning of your experience in some way.


Prayer for Peace 

Spirit of all Life, Beloved Mystery, 

You who gave us Earth and Sky, Sun and Moon and Stars,  Body and Spirit, Creatures and Stones and Oceans of Water, We call to you from the deepest place of truth, with gratitude and longing.  

Make our hearts a great bowl 

Where Love can enter like some shining wave seeking   shore. Stir us and mix us in this Heart Bowl 
Until every cell of our being is changed and opened… 
Until our fear turns to love and our violence turns to peace. 

Make of our hearts a great bowl. 

Wash us in your Light 
Until wonder returns, 
And generosity flourishes, 
And the wisdom of simplicity roots down deep.

Help us each to stand in our power 
And to see your reflection in all places,
especially in each other. 

Spirit of all Life, Beloved Mystery, 

Make of our hearts a great bowl, 
Where the waters of Peace flow in and out 
And the Garden of Earth is restored.

Dorothy Mackenzie Mason